Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center

At the invitation of the mayor of Samac, representatives of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center , Banja Luka Office, attended a working meeting on the implementation of the remaining demining projects within this municipality.

It was pointed out that during 2021, demining tasks were implemented in the area of ​​Slatina, the riverbed of the river Tolisa, and as part of the construction of the Auto section Vukosavlje Brčko, and Batkuša-yard Lazići and Obudovac Sarice 1A. Currently, the projects of Bar Brvnik and Obudovac Barice 3 are in progress, which are expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Bojan Klepić, Head of the Banja Luka Office, expressed the expectation that the realization of the SME task, with a total area of ​​1.36 km2, will begin next year, covering the entire mine suspected area in the area of ​​Šamac.

The exceptionally good cooperation between the BiH Mine Action Center and representatives of the municipal authorities was emphasized once again, as well as the joint readiness to end the mine problem in Šamac as soon as possible, in order to improve the local economy and create conditions for effective use of agriculture land and the development of the Sava waterway.


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